Family Faith Formation

Welcome to Church of the Nativity  

Family Faith Formation 2024-2025! 

(updated 06/05/24) 



Fr. Gus and the Catechists at Church of the Nativity wish you a warm welcome to our Faith Formation program. We hope that you find all the information you need here and, if not, please do not hesitate to call or email the Faith Formation Coordinator, Michelle Atkins at (858) 756-1911 or matkins@nativitycatholic.org    

What is Family Faith Formation? 

“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!”  Psalm 127:3-5 

Children are gifts from God, entrusted to parents to nurture, guide, and release into the world with purpose! Church of the Nativity invites all children and youth, baptized or not, to participate in the catechetical program. Family Faith Formation is designed for children in Pre-K - Eighth Grade who are not currently attending a Catholic school. 

Faith Formation is also a place for your child to receive their First Sacraments.  See the Sacrament Link for full details.  

The goals of Nativity’s Faith Formation are in line with the San Diego Diocese to promote: 

  1. Catechesis promotes knowledge of faith [Creed]. 
  2. Catechesis promotes knowledge of the meaning of Liturgy and the sacraments [Worship and Prayer]. 
  3. Catechesis promotes moral formation in Jesus Christ [Moral Life]. 
  4. Catechesis teaches the Christian how to pray with Christ [Worship and Prayer]. 
  5. Catechesis prepares the Christian to live in community and to participate actively in the life and mission of the Church [Community Life]. 
  6. Catechesis promotes a missionary spirit that prepares the faithful to be present as Christians in society [Apostolic Life].


Program Logistics: 

  • When: Sunday’s, beginning on September 08, 2024 and ending on May 18, 2025 
  • Start and End Time all grades:  08:50 AM –10:10 AM at the Nativity School classrooms. See Sacrament Link for Sacrament Preparation class times.  
  • Communication: Once registered, Classroom Catechists will email the parents of the class, every Friday with the upcoming Lesson.  The FFF coordinator will send out messages of Important events and Monthly Newsletters.  Newsletters and Calendar can also be found on this website. 



All Grades use Sophia Institute books. Pre-k: His Little Way, K through Grade 8: Spirit of Truth 


What do we do? 

Besides teaching from the book, our program combines in class works for charity and optional works of charity/Catholic events, we celebrate Catholic feast days, familiarize children to the Religious, educate children on the Mass and provide a supportive faithful community. Here is a list of ALL CLASS activities we did last year:  

  • All Saints Day reports/prizes 
  • Sister Eva visits us from Childhood Missionary Association (website) 
  • Family Chairty/Christmas Event - we gathered all families to do service projects for our local Community-Life Choices, Villa Lorena, and Nazareth House as well as celebrate Christmas with crafts and fun.   
  • Bake Sale  
  • Optional Voluntary days with local Food-Feeding San Diego Walk for Life, as well as our Samaritan events. 
  • Sprint Charity event – students assembled Father Joe’s Village bags for kids in Therapeutic care.  
  • May Crowning 


“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 


2024/2025 FFF Important Dates 

  • September 8: First FFF Class        
  • September 22: Parent Welcome Meeting-ALL - After FFF drop off in HFAC            
  • October 13: Mass with the Class- Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5/6 and Grade 7/8           
  • October 20: First Sacrament-Mandatory Parent Meeting #1, HFAC, 9 AM or         
  • October 24: First Sacrament- Mandatory Parent Meeting #1, Parish Commons, after 8 AM Mass         
  • October 27: Mass with the Class- Grade K, Grade 1, and both Grade 2 classes          
  • November 10: Sister Eva-Childhood Missionary Association Visit          
  • December 1: No class- Thanksgiving break         
  • December 15: Family/Charity Christmas HFAC        
  • December 22: FFF Bake Sale            
  • December 29: No class- Christmas Break            
  • January 5: No class- New Years Break            
  • January 18: San Diego Walk for Life        
  • January 19: No class- Martin Luther King Jr.           
  • February 2: Mass with the Class- Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5/6 and Grade 7/8           
  • February 16: No class- Presidents Day            
  • March 2: Mass with the Class- Grade K, Grade 1, and both Grade 2 classes          
  • March 8: First Reconciliation            
  • March 16: FFF- Charity Project (during class time)         
  • March 23: First Sacrament- Mandatory Parent Meeting #2, HFAC, time 9 AM or          
  • March 27: First Sacrament- Mandatory Parent Meeting #2, Parish Commons, after 8 AM Mass         
  • April 20: No class - Easter              
  • April 27: Blessing of the First Communicants after class @ 10:30 AM Mass           
  • May 4: May Crowning             
  • May 11: No class- Mother's Day         
  • May 18: Last FFF Class           
  • May 25: Memorial Day weekend           
  • May 31: First Holy Communion  


  • *NOTE: Parents Community and Prayer group to meet every normal class day right after FFF drop off (Room TBD)