Mental Health Ministry

Our Mental Health Ministry exists to serve individuals and families experiencing mental illness by offering God's hope and love through encouragement and spiritual companionship, practical support, resources, and education. Our parish has made a commitment to become a faith community that both understands mental illness and can provide compassionate support. Our parish Mental Health Ministry is not intended to replace professional or clinical services and does not provide professional care. Our volunteers are trained in appropriate procedures to maintain the privacy of those with whom they relate. Our Parish offers assistance because we love, care for and want the best for families and neighbors. Let's work together to remove the stigma of mental illness. 

Parish Companionship Team: 858-367-0049 

San Diego Access and Crisis Line: 888-724-7240 (24/7 suicide and intervention hotline)

Email: NatMHMinistry@gmail.com

In an emergency, please call 988





Click here for San Diego Diocese Mental Health Ministry Resources



Diocese of San Diego Mental Health Ministry


Therapist Referral - The Diocesan Office for Family Life and Spirituality maintains a list of therapists for referral.
Please call
858-490-8299 for more information or a referral. 


Catholic Counselors   https://catholiccounselors.com/

USD Tele-Mental Health Counseling
The University of San Diego offers affordable tele-mental health counseling through the USD Tele-Mental Health Training Clinic for clients 10 years of age and older. Counseling services are provided by graduate-level counseling students under the supervision of the clinic director, who is a California licensed professional clinical counselor (LPCC). Call 
619-260-7670 to schedule a consultation. For more information, visit https://www.sandiego.edu/telehealth-clinic/

Alcohol and Substance Abuse

This tip sheet   from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) addresses COVID-19 coping while sequestering.  

Catholic in Recovery 
Supporting those recovering from substance abuse and other addictions

Hazelden Betty Ford- Outpatient Alcohol and Drug Treatment

Suicide Prevention and Loss

San Diego Access and Crisis Line 888-724-7240

Suicide is Preventable


Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program (for youth)


Survivors of Suicide Loss 


Reproductive Loss

Rachel's Hope - After Abortion Healing and Reconciliation for Catholic Women 


Post-Abortion Healing




Empty Cradle - pregnancy and infant loss support, remembrance and education


Comfort Cub - provides comfort to anyone experiencing a broken heart as the result of a significant loss or trauma


San Diego County Behavioral Health Services


County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency 
Telephone 619.563.2700
Behavioral Health Services, Adult/Older Adult Mental Health Services & Children’s Mental Health Services

888.724.7240 Access and Crisis Telephone
This toll-free number is available 24 hours, 7 days/week and provides counselors who can answer your questions and provide referrals for mental health care.
Crisis intervention and suicide prevention, alcohol, drug, and behavioral health information and referral, support groups. 

Support Groups





Grief (for children)


Catholic Widows and Widowers of North County


Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance


NAMI San Diego 


Catholic in Recovery (Addiction)


Healthy Catholics 

Healthy Catholics is a blog promoting psychological and spiritual wellness. Here the belief is that everyone has problems and the key to growth comes from addressing them in an integrated way.  Psychological, social, biological, and spiritual problems always exist together in a person and God exists there too. Therefore, posts include advice from Saints and holy people, links to the latest studies in the mental health field, personal stories, and reflections on scripture.  Humor is also part of this blog. Without it we cannot survive our problems. Professional psychological, medical, and spiritual advice are not provided here.

Additional Resources for Coping During the Pandemic

Disaster Distress Helpline 1-800-985-5990, provides immediate crisis counseling to people affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

V Encuentro COVID 19 Resources

Catholic Family Faith COVID 19 Resources

San Diego County COVID 19 Resources

Behavioral Health Services Available during COVID emergency


General Resources:  

The National Alliance on Mental Illness San Diego (NAMI San Diego)  provides resources and assistance for maintaining mental health and wellness during a pandemic. 

The California Surgeon General released this playbook for reducing COVID 19 stress

The California Governor’s Office website lists resources on emotional support and well-being

Mindful.org has a resource guide to finding calm and nourishing resilience during the COVID outbreak

  Family and Children

Taking care of your family during coronavirus and other emerging infectious diseases outbreaks (Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress, Department of Psychiatry)  

Helping homebound children during the COVID 19 outbreak (Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress, Department of Psychiatry)  

The Child Mind Institute provides a range of supportive resources — such as daily tip videos and Facebook Live video chats with expert clinicians  — every day at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., and comprehensive resources for families regarding specific coronavirus topics such as remote-learning and managing anxiety.