Sacramental Prep Policy

Church of the Nativity - Sacramental Preparation Program for First Penance and First Communion

The Family Faith Formation Program has classes for grades Prek-8, then children move on to the Youth Ministry Program for grade 9-12 High School Faith Formation.  The Sacramental Preparation Program is only 1 part of the Family Faith Formation Program.  It is for students who must prepare for sacraments.  It is important to note that parents have the responsibility to attend Mass regularly with their families and raise children in the Catholic faith at all grade levels, not just the years leading up to a sacrament year.  After children receive First Penance and First Communion, they are expected to continue in the Family Faith Formation Program and learn about their faith through grade 12.   

According to Diocesan Policy #210, sacramental preparation for First Penance and First Eucharist is a two-year process.

Year 1 is accounted for with a child consistently attending 1st grade or their higher grade level in the Family Faith Formation Program.  If a student has excessive absences-more than 25% or eight classes in Year 1 it is an automatic deferral to their next year to count as Year 1, with consistent attendance. 

In Year 1 students are expected to learn about:

  • Beatitudes
  • 10 Commandments
  • Conscience
  • Sin and Forgiveness
  • Church law
  • What is prayer?
  • Sacraments
  • Liturgical Seasons
  • Liturgical Celebrations
  • Community Life
  • Apostolic Life

In Year 1 students are expected to know these prayers:

  • Our Father
  • Hail Mary
  • Glory Be to the Father
  • Prayer before Meals

Year 2 is accounted for with a child consistently attending 2nd grade or higher grade level in the Family Faith Formation Program.  The 2nd grade class includes Sacramental Preparation starting in January.  The higher grade levels 3rd through 8th grade will need to take the Sacramental Prep class in addition to their Faith Formation grade class.   Attendance at these classes is very important as students are in their final preparation period for the sacraments.  Students must not miss more than 20% of their classes or 4 classes unexcused.  If a student is unable to come to class due to illness, students will be required to contact their teacher and turn in the missed work.  If a family does not adhere to the policy, automatic deferral to the next year will count as Year 2, with consistent attendance. 

Year 2: Sacramental Preparatory students are expected to learn about:

  • The Holy Trinity
  • Original Sin
  • Heaven, Hell and Purgatory
  • The Apostles
  • Penance/Reconciliation
  • Making your first Confession
  • Old Testament roots of the Eucharist
  • The Mass
  • Transubstantiation
  • Receiving the Holy Eucharist

Year 2: Sacramental Preparatory students are expected to know Year 1 prayers and the following:

  • Nicene Creed
  • Act of Contrition

If a student has attended another parish Faith Formation program or Catholic School in Year 1 then transfers to Church of the Nativity Faith Formation, a credit for that First Year may count toward their Year 1, if they have a letter from their former Pastor or Director of Catechetical Ministry.

First Reconciliation occurs the same year as First Communion.  Typically, First Reconciliation occurs in March each year.  First Communion typically occurs in June and as a tradition is the same weekend of Corpus Christi (depending on the weekend it falls on). 

For more information contact Michelle Atkins, Coordinator of Family Faith Formation, at matkins@nativitycatholic.org or (858)756-1911.