Youth Ministry

2024-2025 Youth Ministry Year

The Church of the Nativity High School Youth Ministry Program fosters the spiritual, intellectual, and social growth of young people and empowers them to serve as disciples of Jesus while drawing them to responsible participation in the life of the Church.

The Church of the Nativity High School Youth Ministry Program involves 4 components and is based on these church documents: A Vision of Youth Ministry, Renewing the Vision, and Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework for the Development of Catechetical Materials for Young People of High School Age - USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops).

The 4 components of our Youth Ministry Program are:

1.  Educational/Catechesis

This is the most important component and is accomplished mainly through our Sunday Topic Nights from September to June.  Sunday Topic Nights are about ongoing Faith Formation and challenging teens to apply and live all aspects of their Catholic faith in everyday life.  Our Sunday Topic Night topics come from the documents listed above, our 4 year curriculum from St. Mary's Press, and our Topic Survey of the most requested topics from the parents and teens that is given at the start of each year.  This method allows for both a Catechetical systematic structure and the flexibility to cover current events.  Attending our Sunday Topic Nights for 2 years also provides teens with the faith formation background to become eligible for the Confirmation Immediate Preparation Classes. 

 2.  Service Projects

There are regularly scheduled Service Projects as well as many other pop-up service projects offered to the teens during the year.

 3.  Social Events

We do Social Events about every other month and the teens vote on what to do.

 4.  Confirmation Immediate Preparation Program

The Confirmation Immediate Preparation Program runs from February through May every year.  The “Confirmation Immediate Preparation Class” is specifically and only education on the Sacrament of Confirmation for eligible (those who have been in our program for 2 years) sophomores, juniors, or seniors and is in addition to our Sunday Topic Nights.  It involves classes, a Retreat, small homework assignments, and successfully completing a Final Interview.  Confirmation is only 1 of the 4 parts along a teen’s Faith Formation journey within the Nativity Youth Ministry Program, not the end or “graduation” from Faith Formation and Youth Ministry.  It is important to remember it’s place in the bigger picture of the overall and ongoing Youth Ministry Program.  Teens are expected to continue with their Youth Ministry involvement after Confirmation as part of their lifelong education in our Catholic faith and to live out their Confirmation commitments.  “There is more to parish youth ministry than preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation and it's celebration which is only one component or part of the total process of catechesis and faith development for adolescents”.  (Diocesan Policy #310)

For more information on Confirmation go to our Confirmation page.


If you would like more information on the Nativity High School Youth Ministry Program please contact Mike James, Director of Catechetical Ministry, at mjames@nativitycatholic.org.


2024-2025 Youth Ministry Registration

Registration for the 2024-2025 Youth Ministry year is now open.  Why is it important for all teens to register for the Youth Ministry Program?  We track all teens in the parish throughout their high school years whether they go to a public or Catholic high school.  It is important for us to have them on our class lists to determine their eligibility for the additional Confirmation Immediate Preparation Classes at the appropriate time.  For more information on the sacrament of Confirmation please see our Confirmation page here on this website.

To register for Youth Ministry properly:

  1. If your family isn't already registered parishioners please fill out the Parish Registration Form
  2. Fill out the Youth Ministry Registration Form and Topic Survey (as a parent)
  3. Mail all forms back to the parish along with the Registration Fee by September 22, 2024.


September 15, 2024 - New Teen and New Parent Orientation

Our New Teen and New Parent Orientation will be on Catechetical Sunday, Sunday September 15, 2024, from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.  All freshmen, new teens, and most importantly their parents are invited to come and hear about the Youth Ministry Program and Confirmation Program requirements.  This is the only meeting we ask new parents to attend during their teen’s 4 years in the program so they can hear how the Youth Ministry Program works, especially the Confirmation piece of Youth Ministry in sophomore, junior, or senior year.  There will be plenty of time for questions after the presentation.  This orientation meeting is actually pretty important because each parish has a different model of Youth Ministry and different model of Confirmation Preparation so it is important to know and understand how we do it at Church of the Nativity.  Returning teens and families are not required to attend as it will be information they heard in previous years. 


September 22, 2024 - Get to Know You Night

Our second meeting on September 22, 2024 is for all freshmen-seniors from 5-6:15pm.  It will be a "Get To Know You Night" where the new freshmen from last year's grade 8 of Faith Formation and the Nativity School and any new teens are introduced to the returning teens to do sharing and icebreaker activities to help ease their transition into High School.  We will also discuss our learning model and small groups for the first part of the year.



September 29, 2024 - Jesus' Death

On Sunday September 29 our topic will be Jesus’ Death.  We will learn about the Incarnation, 2 natures of Jesus, why Jesus died, who wanted him dead, Jesus’ obedience, salvation, and more.  Plus, we will also go over the bible readings from mass, have small sharing groups, and play some icebreakers.  All freshmen-seniors attending public or Catholic high school are invited to join us from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.


October 6, 2024 - Jesus' Death - Part 2

On Sunday October 6 our topic will be Jesus’ Death - Part 2.  We will learn about God’s plan for salvation, scripture explanations of Jesus’ death, 3 symbolic images for Jesus’ death, how Jesus’ death is a sign of God’s love, and more.  Plus, we will also go over the bible readings from mass, have small sharing groups, and play some icebreakers.  All freshmen-seniors attending public or Catholic high school are invited to join us from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.

Scripture Readings - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time



October 13, 2024 - Jesus' Resurrection

On Sunday October 13 our topic will be Jesus’ Resurrection.  What are the differences and similarities in the gospels about Jesus' resurrection?  What is the evidence that forms our belief in the resurrection?  What is the religious meaning behind the resurrection?  We will answer these questions and more.  Plus, we will also go over the bible readings from mass, have small sharing groups, and play some icebreakers.  All freshmen-seniors attending public or Catholic high school are invited to join us from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.


October 20, 2024 - Safe Environment Training

In compliance with the Diocese of San Diego’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, the topic of Safe Environment will be introduced to your teenager at our Topic Night on Sunday October 20, 2024 from 5-6:15pm.  Emails will be sent to all parents with a Parent Letter, Parent Conversation Resource from the Diocese, and the PowerPoint that your teens will be shown according to their grade level.  If you have any questions please email mjames@nativitycatholic.org

For more information on the Diocesan Safe Environment Program go to https://www.safeinourdiocese.org/


October 27, 2024 - Jesus' Resurrection - Pt. 2

On Sunday October 27 our topic will be Jesus’ Resurrection Pt. 2.  We will learn about the religious meaning of the resurrection, the Paschal Mystery, Jesus’ descent into hell, and his Ascension.  Plus, we will also go over the bible readings from mass, have small sharing groups, and play some icebreakers.  All freshmen-seniors attending public or Catholic high school are invited to join us from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.



November 3, 2024 - The Holy Spirit

On Sunday November 3 our topic will be The Holy Spirit.  We will learn about the mission of the Holy Spirit, where it appears in scriptures, and titles and symbols of the Holy Spirit.  Plus, we will also go over the bible readings from mass, have small sharing groups, and play some icebreakers.  All freshmen-seniors attending public or Catholic high school are invited to join us from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.

Scripture Readings - Cycle B - 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time



November 9, 2024 - Get Air Trampoline Park Night Out

All teens are invited to our Get Air Trampoline Park Night on Saturday November 9, 2024 from 7-9pm at Get Air - 12160 Community Road, Poway, CA., 92064.

To register:

  1.  Have your parents fill out and return the downloadable Permission Form to mjames@nativitycatholic.org or give it to Mike James in person
  2. Have your parents fill out the Get Air Waiver online at


  3. Bring $17 cash plus some extra money for snacks that night.





November 10, 2024 - The Holy Spirit - Pt. 2

On Sunday November 10 our topic will be The Holy Spirit - Pt. 2.   We will learn about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, Pentecost, the Prayer to the Holy Spirit, and more.  Plus, we will also go over the bible readings from mass, have small sharing groups, and play some icebreakers.  All freshmen-seniors attending public or Catholic high school are invited to join us from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.

Scripture Readings - Cycle B - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


November 17, 2024 - Service Project / Giving Tree Ornament Making Night

Instead of a Topic Night we will do a Parish Service Project.  We will make the Parish Giving Tree Ornaments.  These ornaments help to generate over 400 gifts for the less fortunate during the holiday season for military families, homeless teens, a food bank, and more.  Plus, we will also go over the Matthew 25: 31-46 reading and Catechism of the Catholic Church #340 and #910 as they relate to why we serve others as Catholics.  We will also play some icebreakers, have small groups, and study / discuss the readings from mass.  All freshmen-seniors attending public or Catholic high school are invited to join us from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.  



November 24, 2024 - The Mission of the Catholic Church

On Sunday November 24 our topic will be The Mission of the Catholic Church.  We will talk about Jesus as the foundation of the church, convocation, mystery, and scriptural images of the church.  All freshmen-seniors attending public or Catholic high school are invited to join us from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.



December 1, 2024 - No Class - Thanksgiving Break

There will be no class on December 1 due to the Thanksgiving break.  Happy Thanksgiving to all our Youth Ministry families!  We resume on December 8.


December 8, 2024 - The Mission of the Catholic Church - Pt. 2

On Sunday December 8 our topic will be The Mission of the Catholic Church - Pt. 2.  We will learn about the 4 marks of the church - one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic and how they fit into the mission of the church.  We will also learn about the Immaculate Conception of Mary and the Assumption and how these 2 special days are connected.  All freshmen-seniors attending public or Catholic high school are invited to join us from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.


December 15, 2024- Service Project - Sorting Parish Giving Tree Gifts

On December 15 we will do another Service Project sorting the Parish Giving Tree Gifts and preparing them for pickup and delivery.  There are usually about 400 gifts that have to be sorted.  We will also talk about the 3rd Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday, and it's significance and more.  We will also go over the bible readings from mass, and have small sharing groups.  All freshmen-seniors attending public or Catholic high school are invited to join us from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.




December 22, 2024 - Advent and the Christmas Season

On December 22 we will talk about Advent and the Christmas Season in the church.  Since Advent is the time of preparation, how do we as Catholics celebrate Christmas in the Christmas Season after Christmas in the church liturgical cycle?  What are the special holy days that are part of the Christmas Season?  We will learn about this and more.  We will also go over the bible readings from mass, and have small sharing groups.  All freshmen-seniors attending public or Catholic high school are invited to join us from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.  



December 29, 2024 - No Class - Christmas Break

There will be no class on December 29 due to the Christmas break.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our Youth Ministry families.



January 5, 2024 - No Class - Christmas Break

There will be no class on December 29 due to the Christmas break.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our Youth Ministry families.  We resume on January 12 at the regular times.


January 12, 2025 - The Organization of the Church

On January 12 our topic will be “The Organization of the Catholic Church”.  We will learn about the Catholic church and other religions, differences between Catholic and other Christian religions, dogma, roles in the church, and more.  We will also go over the bible readings from mass and have small sharing groups.  All freshmen-seniors attending public or Catholic high school are invited to join us from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.  



January 19, 2024 - No Class - Martin Luther King Jr. Day

There will be no class on January 19 due to the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday on Monday.  We resume on January 26 at the regular times.


January 26, 2025 - The Organization of the Church - Pt. 2

On January 26 our topic will be “The Organization of the Catholic Church - Pt. 2”.  We will learn about roles in the church such as lay, consecrated life, priests, deacons, bishops, the pope, Mary as the Mother of the church, and more.  We will also go over the bible readings from mass and have small sharing groups.  All freshmen-seniors attending public or Catholic high school are invited to join us from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.  


February 2, 2025 - The Last Things

On February 2 our topic will be “The Last Things”.  We will learn about the resurrection of the dead, gospel teachings on eternal life, St. Paul’s view on death, and the Final Judgement.  We will also go over the bible readings from mass and have small sharing groups.  All freshmen-seniors attending public or Catholic high school are invited to join us from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.  



February 9, 2025 - No Class

There will be no class on February 9.  


February 15, 2025 - Confirmation Retreat

29 teens from our Confirmation Immediate Preparation Class participated on our Confirmation Retreat on February 15.   During the retreat we learned about the signs in the Rite of Confirmation, meditated on scripture passages about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, prayed the Stations of the Cross, had prayer time in the chapel, participated in Confessions, attended the 5pm mass where 3 of our teens altar served and 2 others brought up the gifts, and more.  The pictures are now up on our website at https://nativitycatholic.weconnect.com/photos/view/id/87391



February 16, 2025 - No Class

There will be no class on February 16 due to the President's Day holiday.  We resume on February 23 at the regular times.


February 23, 2025 - The Last Things - Pt, 2

On February 23 our topic will be “The Last Things” - Part 2.  We will learn about Particular Judgement, Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, and the Communion of the Saints.  We will also go over the bible readings from mass and have small sharing groups.  All freshmen-seniors attending public or Catholic high school are invited to join us from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.  



March 2, 2025 - Introduction to the Liturgy

On March 2 we begin a new unit in our book on Liturgy and Sacraments.  Our topic will be “Introduction to the Liturgy”.  We will learn what Liturgy is, about changes in the Liturgy since Vatican 2, seasons in the Liturgical Year, and more.  We will also go over the bible readings from mass and have small sharing groups.  All freshmen-seniors attending public or Catholic high school are invited to join us from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.  



March 9, 2025 - No Class

There will be no class on March 9.  We resume on March 16 at the regular times.



March 16, 2025 - Introduction to the Liturgy - Pt. 2

On March 16 we will continue our topic on “Introduction to the Liturgy”.  We will learn about Lent and Holy Week, the Easter Season, Liturgical Rites and Traditions, celebrating Liturgy, and more.  We will also go over the bible readings from mass and have small sharing groups.  All freshmen-seniors attending public or Catholic high school are invited to join us from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.  



March 23, 2025 - Introduction to the Sacraments

On March 23 our topic will be an Introduction to the Sacraments.  We will learn about symbols, rituals, kinds of grace, consecration with oil, immersion in water, laying on of hands, and more.  We will also go over the bible readings from mass and have small sharing groups.  All freshmen-seniors attending public or Catholic high school are invited to join us from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.  

March 30, 2025 - Introduction to the Sacraments - Pt. 2

On March 30 our topic will be an Introduction to the Sacraments – Pt. 2.  We will learn about nature symbols of darkness, water, light, and fire, disposition, grace, the roots of sacraments, the groups of sacraments, sacramentals, and more.  We will also go over the bible readings from mass and have small sharing groups.  All freshmen-seniors attending public or Catholic high school are invited to join us from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.  



April 6, 2025 - Baptism

On April 6 our topic will be Baptism.  We will learn about the role of baptism within the Sacraments of Initiation, the history of baptism, the symbol of water in the Old Testament, how baptism is related to Confirmation, and the relationship of baptism to sin.  We will also go over the bible readings from mass and have small sharing groups.  All freshmen-seniors attending public or Catholic high school are invited to join us from 5-6:15pm in the Commons.